The Dead Miss Food (when I first started to realize I was psychic)
My Grandpa Abe was a formidable presence in my childhood. He modeled for me a powerful example of what it meant to be a […]
The Power of Meditation (& how it brought my psychic abilities to the forefront)
It was August 4, 2019, when I started to meditate daily. I remember this because the day before, August 3, was my wife’s birthday. […]
I was a professional psychic for 16 years & didn’t know it
It’s strange, the ways in which life surprises you. There’s a line I love from a Grateful Dead song called “Scarlet Begonias.” It goes: […]
The link between psychic ability & the arts (Part I)
Earlier, I wrote about how I worked as a ghostwriter for many years, not realizing that the entire time I was exercising some nascent […]
The link between psychic ability & the arts (Part II)
I’ve talked about how psychic ability is linked to the arts in terms of how both use intuition – or “thinking without thinking” – […]
The Skeptical Client
Not gonna lie: It’s hard to read a skeptical client. It’s not that I can’t read them; it’s that what I’m picking up is […]
The Addicted Client
Every psychic has experienced The Addicted Client. This is the client who can’t get enough – who needs a psychic reading for every new […]
No Psychic is Perfect
Nothing, and I mean nothing, drives me crazier than getting an element of a psychic reading wrong. It’s not the norm. Most of what […]
Psychic readings are collaborative
Something I’ve noticed in the course of giving psychic readings is that the process is essentially a collaborative one, a team-up between the reader […]
What is predictive is suggestive
Something fascinating that I’ve learned while giving psychic readings, and something that I’ve never heard another psychic talk about, is that readings are not […]
Abundance favors a clear mind
The hardest part about getting what you want is admitting that, deep down inside, you don’t always know what you want at all. And […]
People can feel who you are
One thing I’ve learned while practicing the psychic arts is that all of us are reading each other – constantly, moment-to-moment, on the daily […]
I can’t know if my gift is real without other people
One of the strangest and most hilarious aspects of being psychic is that I can’t know if what I’m doing is real without other […]
Is everybody psychic?
This question comes up all the time. In fact, it often comes up as a statement. People like to declare, “Oh, everybody’s psychic!” It’s […]
Is psychicness magic?
Part of why I’m writing these posts for this website is to disavail people of the notion that psychicness is magic. I’ve tried to […]
An interview with psychic medium Melissa St. Hilaire (aka American Witch 13)
“I was three years old when I first noticed I could see spirits…” These words were from an interview with Melissa St. Hilaire, a […]
Bay Area Freakout: I had a weird experience the other day at Oracle
I originally published this article about my private tour of the haunted Oracle campus last year at my wife and my Silicon Valley newspaper, […]
My appearance on NBC News Radio’s FIFTH ELEMENT
I had the honor of appearing as a guest recently on FIFTH ELEMENT on NBC News Radio, a paranormal podcast where famous psychics including James Van […]
Melissa St. Hilaire book interview
The Psychic Arts Center recently had an opportunity to sit down for an exclusive interview with gifted psychic and talented author Melissa St. Hilaire […]